Friday, August 15, 2008

Typical Friday

So we did a little cooking tonight, nothing fancy. We constantly struggle with Lucy being right in the way while we're in the kitchen- essentially she lays down square in front of the oven. We're working on being rewarded for staying in the down position, just outside of the kitchen...

I'd put money on the notion that it doesn't last long.

Also- while we were lost on the way to Whole Foods today and before you say it, the answer is YES, we have lived here for three years, and we should be able to find the grocery store. Anyways we were lost in a very hilly part of San Francisco, a neighborhood that actually had sunshine. I'm not sure if I have expressed this accurately enough for you, but where we live is PARTICULARLY foggy and that means that even when "san francisco" is getting sunshine...We are stuck in Sherlock Holmes style fog. We saw a chance for the perfect photographic explanation of this phenomenon- a moment at the top of a steep street that showed a dense blanket of fog due West, just over where our house is. But alas I did not have my camera. I took a shot with Jon's Blackberry...

I think you'll get the point.


Jon and I moved here during summertime and before I got here I was like, Dude- Mom, I am going to spend everyday this summer at the pool just relaxing.

I look back and laugh at how naive that was. That's sort of like saying: Oh Man, I can't wait to go to the Sahara to try out my rain boots.